Burn Pit Claims

The Defense Base Act, an expansion of the Federal Longshore and Harbor Worker’s Compensation Act, offers coverage benefits for injured workers who have been exposed to burn pit poisons and fumes resulting in serious health effects or even death. To obtain all the assistance available to you under the Defense Base Act, the DBA Law Group can help.

Our experienced DBA attorneys are here to help when you are dealing with a respiratory disease, cancer, or other illness linked to environmental exposure.

We will apply for all potential available benefits including medical care, lost income, and survivor compensation. More importantly, we will stand by you and handle your claim until tried or settled.

A burn pit is a waste-burning facility on a military base. Open-air burn pits were extensively utilized by the US military and contractors on military stations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other parts of the Middle East and Southwest Asia. They’re most commonly utilized for minor, short-term missions where the military can’t set up other waste management systems.

If you worked in or around a burn pit, you may have been exposed to certain hazards. A number of factors can affect your exposure. For instance, an exposure could be hazardous based on what was burned. Historically, the military and its contractors commonly used burn pits to dispose of a variety of garbage, including paint, petroleum, products for lubrication, a variety of chemicals, plastics, ordinance, food products and even human feces. When you burn these goods, smoke is produced, which can irritate your eyes, throat, and lungs. You may have had symptoms at the time, and you could also be suffering from a long-term health problem as a result of your continued exposure to hazardous gases.

How often you are exposed, the duration of such exposures and your proximity to the burn pits all have an effect on the amount of exposure you may experience. Even environmental factors such as the weather or wind affect exposures. Nevertheless, the vapors and fumes from the burn pit are a potential source of harmful compounds in the air that have been shown to cause injury. Indeed, the VA is currently looking at the possibility of a link between burn pit exposure and the development of certain cancers:

If you have worked at or near a burn pit as a contractor for the US Military and are experiencing injuries that may be related to your work, contact the DBA Law Group to get you the benefits you deserve.

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